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Glass smoke screen hanging wall

Product characteristics

One of the biggest features of single-piece Fire prevention glass typeSmoke screen hanging wall is good appearance. It is widely used in places where the flow of people and logistics are not large, but the decoration requirements are high, such as high-end hotels, conference centers, cultural centers, high-end office buildings, etc.

The disadvantage of the Smoke screen hanging wall is that when the Smoke screen hanging wall encounters external impact, the entire smoke screen hanging wall will collapse and hurt or destroy the personnel or equipment below. Laminated Fire prevention glass type is a Smoke screen hanging wall that combines the advantages of monolithic Fire prevention glass type and laminated Fire prevention glass. It is made of two single pieces of Fire prevention glass sandwiched with a layer of imported film. It has both the beauty of a single piece of Fire prevention glass type and the safety of wire Fire prevention glass type, and is a perfect Immobilization Smoke screen hanging wall.